Make room on your storehouses for His Blessings!!
God Commands His Blessing On Your Storehouses
Get Paid to Click Sites - Make Money with Paid to Click
In my previous post, I've talked about how to Make Money with Paid to Click program. Today, I'm going to give you some Get Paid to Click Sites out there.
Do you know that we are Heir of the Most High God?
Make Money With Get Paid To Click - PTC
Want to earn some extra Money just by clicking? An introduction to Paid to Click - PTC programs.
What is the importance of Pronouncing Yourself Clean?
God Of War Collection
Want God of War and God of War II in a single disc? Boy you are in for a treat!!!
Proclaim the Lord's Death
1 Corinthians 11:26
26For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes
In the old testament , whenever the children of Israel sacrificed a lamb for a burnt offering as they faced a strong enemy, victory was theirs. For example, in 1 Samuel 7:7-11, when the Philistines were coming against them, the prophet Samuel offered a lamb as a burnt offering. As it was being offered, The lord came like a loud thunder on the Philistine army, confusing them. This led to victory for the Israelites.
Every time something bad happened to the children of Israel, by offering a lamb sacrifice, they were proclaiming the Lord’s death, and the battle would turn in their favor.
Today, when we are faced with an enemy, how do we offer our “burnt offering”? How do we proclaim the Lord’s death and come out victorious?
Do we ask Jesus to come down to where we are at and die on the cross all over again?
Of course not. Jesus died once for all our sins — past, present and future. (Hebrews 10:12) His work is perfectly perfect and completely complete, so He doesn’t have to die for us again. Today, we proclaim His death simply by partaking of the Lord’s Supper.
Every time you partake of the bread and wine, you declare to the principalities and powers of darkness that the Lord’s death avails for you. Every time you partake, you are saying that because Jesus has been judged and punished in your place, you cannot be judged and punished. Because Jesus died young in your place, you will live long. And because He conquered death and stripped the devil of his powers, you will not be defeated. The victory is already yours!
That is why the psalmist David said, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…” (Psalm 23:5) The Lord’s table is prepared for you in the presence of your enemies because when you partake of the bread and wine, you will see your enemies tremble and scatter! Why? Because when you proclaim the Lord’s death through the Holy Communion, you are reminding the devil and his cohorts of their humiliating defeat at Calvary’s cross! (Colossians 2:15)
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PSP Go or DSi - which handheld console do you prefer?
Over the past few years, these two giants, Sony and Nintendo has been on a console battle, and with the recent release of the PSP Go, people will start comparing it to Nintendo's DSi. Here's my little insight on the subject.
PSP Go and PSP 3000 Comparison
Now that the PSP Go is released... How does it size up with PSP 3000 and what are their differences?
God is Behind your Increase
1 Corinthians 3:7
7So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
Sometimes, we think that the increase or success which we enjoy is the result of our own efforts or hard work. Now, I am not advocating laziness, but the truth is that God is the one behind our increase.
PSP Go Review
Here is the review of Sony's new PSP platform, GO. As in my last post, I still have to save up to buy the unit. It is priced here at Singapore around SGD300+ which is about USD250. You can Find out more at here.
On Facebook alone, as of September 2009, Mafia Wars has more than 24.5 million monthly active accounts, it is well known that most clans run multiple shell accounts for energy purposes. (Source: game revolves on doing jobs to obtain cash and establishing an empire. Players will recruit Mafia's by inviting other users to join in their Family or Empire. The game is a Level up basis which means you have to take some time to rack up some experience. The player earns experience points by completing jobs. As they level up, more jobs become available, and extra features become available. And with that, more and more people are being pulled to this game and more people want to dominate it. I've read an article that can make you dominate this game. For more information, click here
You can also check this sites for Tips and Tricks
There you go.. Good luck recruiting and building you're empire
Take, Take and Take More!!!
I would like to take these opportunity to give thanks to the kind hearted and brave souls who helped the Philippines during the onslaught of typhoon ketsana... God Bless you all